Tam Of The Dragons

Hello! I'm Tam, a Twitch Affiliate who plays video games and occasionally streams my art process. I upload let's-play videos to YouTube (about twice a year), but I'm planning to experiment with a format closer to video essays in the near future.I also run a series called decay, where I try to figure out what's going on in a Minecraft world that's slowly disintegrating into pure entropy. While I spend a lot of time messing around in Minecraft with chat, there is an over-arching plot I'm excited to share, and I'm constantly dropping pieces of the puzzle for viewers to find and fit together.As an artist, I specialize in character illustrations, icons, and designs, as well as brand imagery for my fellow aspiring creators and small businesses.I'm a university student who recently moved overseas, so money and time are a little tight right now. I really appreciate my Twitch subscribers and everyone who takes the time to say something in chat. It means a lot!Socials are linked below!